'Twas the Night Before Duck Season
by Millie McKinnon
'Twas the night before we went hunting, and dad's in the house,
Packing the gear and buggin' his spouse.
I'm out here freezing and it's getting late,
I'm stuck outside because he says I must 'acclimate'.
I'm all nestled outside in my bed,
with visions of woodies flyin' in my head.
With me in my bed and dad warm in his,
I was just getting sleepy, but I got up to wiz!
Then out on the driveway, there arose such a clatter;
I sprang out of the bed, I KNEW what was the matter!
Dad flipped on the lights and grabed MY camo coat;
it was Mr. John and his new duck boat!
The moon shone bright on all I could see,
I hope when he packed, he wouldn't forget me!
We pulled out the driveway and headed for the woods,
Man, I've been waiting for this, I hope he shoots good.
When what to my studying eyes did I see,
As the sun came up, hundreds of woodies!
I'd been here before, I knew I must'nt whine,
Because if I did, he would leave me at home next time.
As the birds started to fly I heard boom, boom, boom!
So I paid attention hoping one would fall soon!
This was it, it was my moment to shine,
Maybe dad will shoot better and hit one next time!
So we waited and waited and some ducks finally fell,
The only problem was, at me dad started to yell.
I think I jumped the gun, but I just couldn't wait,
If I made the retrieve, how could he hate?!
Dad whistled and shouted and called me other names,
But I didn't care, this was my game!
He yelled, "Millie, you crazy black mutt, you left too fast,
You better get back here, or I'll bust your.....butt!"
I made the retrieve as best as can be,
Look at this face, he can't spank me!
Though it took a while, when I got back,
Dad gritted his teeth, but a smile he did crack.
Sometimes he does get kinda frustrated with me,
But in the woods without me he can't be.
When I'm hunting with dad, I'm his pride and joy,
Kate can be his little girl, but I'll be his "boy"!
We finished shooting that mornings limit,
And headed to the truck, so I could get warm in it!
Hunting ducks is always fun,
But most mornings it's freezing having ice on your bum!
As dad cranked the truck and I got in,
I was already hoping for another morning of shootin' again.
As we left the swamp, I heard him exclaim,
"Next weekend I'll get you ducks, and dinner won't be so plain!"