I think Clayton said everything that needed to be said about the OFF weekend. But i thought i would share with you about how it affected me as well. To say that this past weekend was humbling, would be an understatement. No, this was more along the lines of a life changing weekend. I have the privilege of working with kids everyday at The Children's Hospital of Alabama. You could pretty much say I've seen it all. With that being said, ill be very honest. When i walked in on Friday night, i was expecting to see kids that were "down." In other words, tough to get smiles out of because they may be depressed about their specific situation, or just flat out not feeling good. And this is because i work with them everyday. I was very much mistaken though. These kids were absolutely incredible!! Spirits high and ready to hunt. I have never seen 6 different faces filled with so much joy in anticipation for a hunt.
My hunting buddy for the first afternoon was a young man named Tyler Templeton. Tyler is for lack of a better phrase, one of the coolest people ive ever met. We got situated in our stand the first night and waited patiently for deer to start moving. It wasn't until about 4:50 we saw our first two deer. Needless to say, thats all i took.....Tyler was in kill mode. He picked out the one he wanted and made a perfect shot dropping deer right in its tracks. Tyler could have shot a 150' buck and been just as excited. And of course i was going nuts, I was so excited!
The next day i got to take my new friend Jordan out to hunt. Jordan was one of these kids who you can't help but like. He just brought joy to everyone around him. The only thing different about Jordan compared to some of the other hunters in camp was that he had never killed a deer. So there was somewhat of a pressure on us to get the job done for him. And at the same time, praying we could get it on film.
We had a doe come out around 4:30 that put on a show. She was running all over the place. Which was actually a good thing because it gave time for Jordan's dad to help him get his gun up and ready. Once he was finally steady, Jordan squeezed that trigger and what we thought was a miss turned out to be a great shot. The deer only ran about 30 yards out of the field. What a great hunt.
It's hard to put into words what this kind of experience will do for an individual. I was talking to my dad on the way back to Birmingham and filling him in on all the great stories i had. I told him, "dad, this was one of those weekends thats just good for your soul." I've always told people that working at Children's Hospital will make your park your attitude real quick. The reason is because you walk in that place, and you see people and families that have real problems. Like Clayton said, it will make you rethink all your petty selfish problems. My heart was overjoyed when i left the OFF hunt. It reiterated how much i have to be thankful for, and how lucky i am to be able to enjoy the outdoors whenever i want. Not everyone has that luxury. These kids don't get the chance to hunt and fish as much, and to be able to share hunting camp with them was one of the highlights of my year. The Outdoor Friends Forever hunt is something that i will definitely be participating in for many years to come. Do yourself a favor, and get involved. Very few things are more precious than experiencing the wonderful outdoors that God has provided. However, one thing is better......and that's sharing it with others that do not get to experience the outdoors everyday. Im thankful for what Jim Hardy has done with OFF, and Im thankful for all the friends I made through such and awesome organization.